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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 11  FOX  July 5, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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friends. the news keeps coming. here's brian now with the news edge at 11:00. >> we're going to begin tonight with the suspected killer and serial rapist. where is that man? dc police are stepping up their efforts to find him. they say he's behind several sexual assaults and the deadly beating of a local woman 13 years ago in georgetown. now, investigators are using a tactic to help solve another high-profile crime, and for the first time, we're hearing from the murder victim's husband. fox 5's will thomas working this one now. >> reporter: brian, it was earlier this year we reported on the launch of the website to catch the east coast rapist. the site provided specific details on the attacks that had ties to our areas, the suspected east coast rapist was captured. and now dc police are taking a page from that effort to now catch a killer. a hot summer night, 1998, christine mrzai left a party in northwest and walked to her georgetown university dorm. that's when someone attacked
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her, sexual assaulted her and beat her to death. the 28-year-old was newly married only a year and-a-half to a man named david hockos. he spoke to us by phone from his northern california home about the woman he loved and lost. >> it definitely never leaves me and i think it will affect me for the rest of my life. she was a very brilliant person, and it's a great loss. >> reporter: this is a composite sketch of the man who may be responsible. it was developed shortly after she was killed and the image was circulated. dc investigators were able to collect dna evidence from the scene and sent the profile to a national database. it linked her murder to eight unsolved sexual attacks in montgomery county between 1991 and 1998. >> he could be incarcerated on some type of offense where they don't take dna. he could be dead. he could be like everyone else and watch tv and movies and, you know, basically you'd have to
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live under a rock not to understand a little bit about dna nowadays. >> reporter: in other words, the guy could still be committing sex crimes, but careful what he leaves behind. captain fair has been working homicides in the district for 20 years. he's now preparing to launch a website dedicated to generating lead snoos what we hope to do is combine the information between our murder and montgomery county's sexual assaults that we know are linked to the same suspect. they had a great idea with the east coast rapist is what i believe it's called, that website, i mean, there were cases all over and law enforcement were not opposed to borrowing someone's really good idea. >> i am very positive about this. i think it's a great idea so that people can understand what these crimes are, how they're connected. >> reporter: so the dna connects the same guy to sex assaults in montgomery county and the murder of mrzai. since that time, no new dna hits with the same man.
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as you heard from the captain, they don't know if he's dead, alive, in jail or committing crimes in a different way. as to the man who was married to her, he told me tonight he finally remarried and has a 3-year-old child, brian. >> will thomas tonight. as to the charge of first-degree murder, verdict as to count 1, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> our other big story tonight, casey anthony acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. she was also cleared of aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse. however, she was convicted on four misdemeanors. all of this unfolding in an orlando, florida courtroom. fox's debra boden has the story. >> reporter: casey anthony tearing up as the verdict is read, over and over again, it's not guilty. acquitting her of first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse. >> casey did not murder caylee.
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it's that simple. you cannot convict someone until they've had their day in court. >> reporter: casey could have faced the death penalty if convicted of killing her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. instead, she celebrated with her defense team. the jury did find her guilty of lying to investigators, but with nearly three years in jail already served, she could walk free within days. >> i never ever criticize the jury. theirs is the task of deciding what to believe. >> reporter: he was acknowledging there was no hard evidence, no confession, no eyewitnesss. it was months before searchers finally found little caylee's body tossed in the woods near the anthony home. that delay hurt their case. >> especially a case like this, which is the proof, with no smoking gun, and a tiny victim who was reduced by the elements and skeletal remains, those
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remains lacking in any chemical evidence that could be brought forward. this was a dry bones case. very, very difficult to prove. >> reporter: prosecutors say little caylee was suffocated with duct tape by her hard-partying mother who wanted to be free, while the defense said it was a tragic accidental drowning, but after nearly three years, we still don't know what really happened. >> while we're happy for casey, there are no winners in this case. caylee has passed on far, far too soon. >> casey anthony will be sentenced on thursday. meantime, the verdict is shocking end to the murder trial that spanned three years. the defense attorney had this to say about the controversial decision. >> you cannot decide this case on emotion. if you decide it on emotion, she's guilty, she's guilty. but if you decide it on the evidence, the evidence that's not there, then you must find
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her not guilty. >> has complete coverage of the murder trial. you'll find the latest from florida, plus the entire reading of the verdict, and we want to know what you think about this controversial case, like on facebook and post your comments. the latest now on the corruption scandal in prince georges county. disgraced county council member leslie johnson is stepping down. today's announcement comes one week after she pleaded guilty to obstruction charges. she and her husband, former county exec jack johnson are awaiting charges on a council scandal. however, her resignation isn't effective until july 31. some say she should go now. >> the resignation should be as quickly as possible. >> as a resident of this county i think it would be nice if she would at least offer an apology. >> mrs. johnson stuffed nearly $80,000 in her bran and flushed a $100,000 check down the toilet
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to hide the bribes her husband took from developers from the fbi. another arrested at the shooting near the caribbean festival. shawn is everywhere at 11:00. >> police arrested a second suspect in the murder of robert foster jr.. the 43-year-old was shot to death on june 25th just after the parade wrapped up. three others were wounded in the shooting. today, police arrested 23-year-old diante bryant, charged with murder. a professor will spend the next four years in prison. he was sentenced to possession of child porn. police arrested him last october after a university employee found the porn on the computer hard drive last october. a traffic nightmare on i66 because of this truck fire in fairfax. the tractor was loaded with bails of hay when it caught fire. five hours the highway was shut
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down. the driver wasn't hurt and the highway is back open tonight. a nation-wide drug shortage is hitting hospitals hard. what does it mean the next time you need medical help? up next, we're going to look at that for patients in our area. check out some of the other stories on the run-down. news edge at 11:00 will be right back. 
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>> breaking news. take a look at this, dramatic live pictures from the desert southwest tonight. kind of hard to see there, but this is a picture high above the city of phoenix partially engulfed in a gigantic dust cloud. it's desert sand blown by 60 miles per hour winds, becoming a thick mass of polluted air 50 miles wide in some places.
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motorists are being told to pull over and wait to get out. no telling how long that thing will stick around. we'll continue to follow it live and, of course, on our website, a disturbing trend in the medical world. critical medicine is in short supply, perhaps not even available at all, depending on what you're looking for. the problem many patients are facing right now and the number of drugs affected has nearly tripled. melanie alnwick has the money edge on that. >> reporter: pharmacy shelves across the country have more empty spaces these days, spaces that should be filled with important medications. jeff is the director of pharmacy medications for children's national medical center. >> if a child needs certain electrolytes in his iv and those are short, we're really scrambling. >> reporter: drugs for cancer treatments, infections, hard disease, diabetes, even adhd are
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experiencing shortages. 211 last year, perhaps as many as 300 medications by the end of 2011. the american society of health and pharmacists is keeping track. >> just about every drug has been affected in the last year. a little less than half is related to production and in terms of keeping up with quality issues. >> reporter: there are other manufacturers to take up the slack if some go off line. some drugs are discontinued if they're not profitable to make. others get hung up in the regulatory process. usually alternatives are available, but doctors say it complicates how they treat their patients. >> that's definitely a major issue when they're admitting someone very ill. >> reporter: this doctor specializes in pediatric infectious diseases. >> it complicates things because we get a little bit out of our standard of care, and then we have to be a little bit more vigilant for unusual things we wouldn't usually be looking for. >> reporter: meanwhile in the pharmacy at the medical center, it means finding ways to reduce
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waste. >> in most viles, there is overfill from the manufacturer. we're looking at different ways to repack it so there's no waste. >> reporter: and preserve every precious drop until supplies are plentiful again. one complaint doctors have is that they don't know there's a shortage until they've ordered the medication and can't get it. one thing they would like is to have the fda require manufacturers to give notice ahead of time so that people can prepare accordingly. it's also looking at trying to have the federal government do things like offer incentives like tax breaks to drug manufacturers so they'll continue to make those drugs that are no longer profitable. melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. coming up next, baseball legend roger clemmens in dc, his perjury trial kicks off tomorrow but his lawyers have scored a victory. a bizarre story in tonight's top 5, the possible link between flossing your teeth and getting
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>> roger clemens is in town. sadly for him, it's in the a pleasure trip. his perjury trial begins tomorrow. he's already scored a victory today. the federal judge said he won't allow his former teammates to testify about their steroid use. that can damage the prosecution's case. the former pitcher is accused of
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lying to congress when he told the house committee he never juiced. his former trainer is the prosecution's star witness who claims he injected him. the link between brushing your teeth and pregnancy, shawn yancy has your fox 5 top 5. >> up first tonight, brian, important advice for anyone trying to get pregnant. number 5, brush your teeth and floss regularly to stave off gum disease. it can delay it by an average of two months. it took women with gum disease seven months to become pregnant compared to five months for women with healthy gums. thursday, verizon wireless will stop offering unlimited data plans. that means if you're a heavy mobile surfer, it will cost you. two gigabits will cost about $30 a month. customers who use more will pay $10 for every extra gigabite. if you want to cut the
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gigabytes, avoid the apps that gobble up megabytes, like youtube, and pandera. and also the apps for maps and the ones that allow you to send and view photos. grab your walking shoes. only one of the three escalators at the soggy bottom metro stop is working. one should be up by wednesday and the other is expected to be out of service another 10 days. number 1, starting tomorrow, several school zone speed cameras in frederick will be operational. meaning if you get caught, you get fined. the cameras are near hillcrest elementary school. two other cameras will begin their 30-day warning period starting today. brian, that's a look at tonight's fox 5 top 5. shawn, we're in that -- it feels like i never dried off when i got out of the shower kind of season. >> it was good today compared to what it's going to be like
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tomorrow and on thursday too. >> got it. >> just so you know. it is muggy out there right now, though, wow, the dew point, which is really the best way to measure the moisture in the air, the dew point has jumped up into the lower 70s tonight, and anytime the dew point is in the lower 70s, it's going to feel muggy out there, and that is the case. we'll talk about that and show you the numbers in just a second. i want to show you the broad view on true view to give you an idea of where the action is and is not. we need some rain. we're going to eventually get some. good chance of some showers and thunderstorms coming our way over the next few days. again, we're getting dry out there, so a little rain is not a bad thing, and big thunderstorms tonight up into that warm air. there's a little cool air coming down into the central plain so where that cool air is hitting the hot air, they're getting thunderstorms tonight and those thunderstorms have had a history of being severe. no real thunderstorms for us,
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but as we were talking about, the humidity does make a come-back. it's already beginning to come back tonight. i think we're going to feel it a little bit more for tomorrow and into thursday as well. tomorrow, 90 degrees for a high, and we do have a chance again tomorrow afternoon for some spotty showers and thunderstorms. scattered showers and thunderstorms on thursday, high temperature of about 91 degrees or so, and on friday, a little bit cooler, but still a chance of a couple of showers and thunderstorms, and as we get into the weekend, things get a lot better as the way it's looking right now. in town, temperatures is 84 degrees. frederick is 73 degrees. in the suburbs, temperatures will be in the middle 60s. not the case in town though. still feelsz like 89 degrees in dc. that's better than last hour where it felt like it was 92. some clouds overnight tonight, we may see a shower or a thunderstorm before sun rise. temperature here in town right
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around 73 degrees, but again, it's cooling so slow tonight that we mainly make it down to 74 or 75 only. a spotty shower is possible tomorrow morning, not probable. we'll have kind of a mix of clouds and sun through the day tomorrow, high temperatures topping out in the upper 80s, so right around 90 degrees, and again, we have that chance of a shower or thunderstorm late in the afternoon. not only for tomorrow, but for thursday and friday. i said the week was looking good. sunny on saturday and sunday, temperatures in the upper 80s, and the way it's looking, some of the humidity getting pushed to the south, we'll be feeling a little bit dryer around here by the weekend. there's your forecast. stick around on the edge because dave feldman is coming back with the info on sports . [ female announcer ] welcome to busch gardens williamsburg,
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where d.c. goes to get away. maybe it's because washington d.c. loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at
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>> good evening. i'm dave feldman. ross detwiler made his debut in the triple a today. he struck out one, but it wasn't enough to corral the cubs. the first lady michelle obama was at the game to honor military families, and the cubs gave the nats some help early. this is a tailor-made double play ball, until baker throws it into left field. ouch. all-star hopeful michael moore sitting this one out but john
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landon offering up support for the voters. they can vote until thursday at 4:00. save number 21 as danny espinosa handles it. the nats win. now, as far as the future of the nats, a fellow by the name of bries harper, today was his second day of double a ball. not as good as his first. prior to the game, he was told by nats gm mike rizzo that he'll spend the remainder of the season in double a. no stress about when he'll get called up. it's not happening. and he's fine with that. >> it's awesome. i'm excited about that. i don't need to do anything else. i'm real comfortable down here and i feel good around the guys that i'm with and i really need to learn some stuff in left field and the outfield so i'm excited to see what happens and ready to get going. >> to recap, he's excited. the birds still down in
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arlington taking on the rangers. matt leaders making his first all-star appearance. eighth home run of the season, orioles up 2-0. trouble in the seventh. runners in the corners for josh hamilton. the single to left brings in the tying run. elvis andrus hustling to third and his throw gets away. here comes andrus with the go-ahead run and the rangers win 4-2. vene us williams played her first match in the united states here in dc tonight. she's a member of the washington kastles, part of world team tennis, and tonight she made her lone dc appearance. >> team tennis is great because there's no other thing in tennis where you play on a team and every game counts, so if you -- even if you don't win your match, if you get in some games with your team can ultimately
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lead to a win for everyone. >> what it means, the cap tals against the kansas explorers. she teamed up with a double's specialist. this is the mixed doubles, and venus sets her up for the easy put away. they win 5-4. later, venus in her singles match against christina mchail. venus in the near court gets control of the point. venus loses her single's match but the capitals win the overall match. tomorrow, they play at the philadelphia freedoms. tomorrow at this time we'll hear from jeff albert, the old cap who's now a new cap. hard to believe but the potomac native is 35 and he hopes the caps will lead him somewhere he's never gone before in his 11-year nhl career, to win a playoff serious. actually that presser will be at the ketler ice box. mystics lose to chicago to fall
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2-6 overall. have a great night. brian's back right after this. navigating today's real estate market is complicated. you've seen the signs. that's why having the right real estate agent is more important than ever.
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>> well, there's the five-day forecast for you tomorrow. hot and muggy tomorrow and thursday, both days chance of thunderstorms. >> gary taking the edge off with controversy at the world of competitive eating. justice, joey chestnut wolfed down 62 hotdogs to


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